MSE-series Droid (4)
Basic info

First appearance: A New Hope


The MSE-6-series repair droid, sometimes referred to as the mouse droid, was a small, box-shaped, wheeled general purpose MSE-series droid often used for delivery and maintenance purposes. MSE-6 units were most notably on Star Destroyers and both Death Stars during the time of the Galactic Empire.

Complete list

Mouse Droid Death Star Droid (69862) Death Star Accessory Set, with Death Star Trooper and Droids (32533) R5-TK (Unique)
SWM Imperial Entanglements
The Power of the Force
Saga Collection Accessory Sets
Mouse Droid
Death Star Droid (69862)
Death Star Accessory Set, with Death Star Trooper and Droids (32533)
R5-TK (Unique)
69862 / 69705
32533 / 32532
Tags (2)

RA-7 Protocol Droid | Escape from Death Star

Tags (2)

Imperial Navy Trooper | IT-O Interrogator Droid

Tags (4)

R5-TK | R5-series Astromech Droid | GNK-series Power Droid | DUM-Series Pit Droid

Last updated: 08.08.2021 20:01:30